Extra Casual Pet Games


Animal Games Without Necessary Daily Checking or Guilt Tripping

don't you hate when you want to play a game with animals but you have to check it every day unless you want it to be like "oh nooo why haven't you checked in on the pet for xyz days"? well here's your list of games that don't do that:

(very unfinished)

Chicken Smoothie
adopt pets and then watch them grow over a month. can do dress-up. overall an interesting site.

basically anything in girlsgogames (animal section) as they are meant to be played more arcade-style

pokémon fangames - they generally don't have annoying design but do often have daily checking in the form of some kind of login bonus

creatures of sonaria on roblox? it's more of a 'play as the animal' type of game. like dinosaur simulator, but for sparkledog lovers.